众志成城 共抗疫情 | 江南app官方入口网站 将延长2020年春节假期
Dear Valued Clients,
为加强新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控,国务院办公厅发布了《关于延长2020年春节假期的通知》将春节假期延长至2020年2月2日。在此基础上,河南省人民政府新闻办公室在1月31日的新闻发布会上宣布将省内企业复工期限推迟至2020年2月9日。为有效减少人员聚集,阻断疫情传播,更好的保障员工及相关人员生命安全和身体健康,我司随政府号召,暂定于2020年2月10日复工。假期延续期间,江南app官方入口网站 将继续通过电子邮件和移动设备为您提供商务咨询等服务。
To strengthen the prevention and control of the Novel Corona Virus (2019-nCoV), the General Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China has published “the Notice” to extend Chinese New Year holiday to Feb 2, 2020. On this basis, the government of Henan Province announced at the press conference on Jan 31 that enterprises in the province are required not to return to work by Feb 9, 2020. To effectively reduce personnel aggregation, block the spread of the 2019-nCoV, and better protect the life safety and health of employees and related personnel, Letone will return to work on February 10, 2020 as called for by the government. During the extended holiday, Letone will continue to provide our clients with business consulting services through email and mobile devices.
望诸位做好防范,保重身体,感谢您与江南app官方入口网站 合力共度此难关。
Please be aware that Letone values the health conditions of our clients as well as our employees, we appreciate to have you to go through this hard time with us together.
If there any questions or requirements, please feel free to contact your sales manager.
We appreciate your support for Letone!
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